established-1969The Pennsylvania Defense Institute is one of the largest organizations of its kind.

Boasting an impressive membership of approximately 400 lawyers, executives of insurance companies, self-insurers, and independent adjusters.

The Pennsylvania Defense Institute:

  1. Establishes a communications link among Pennsylvania defense attorneys, full-time supervising or managerial employees of insurance companies, self-insurers, independent adjusters, and others who devote a substantial portion of their time to defense of damage suits or to claims administration.
  2. Inform members with information on relevant and significant cases and court decisions.
  3. Provide strong representation of member’s common interest.
  4. Enhance the knowledge and improves the skills of its members.
  5. Encourage improvements in the administration of justice.
  6. Works toward the elimination of court congestion and delays in civil litigation.

What people are saying about PDI:

“Being a member of the PDI has enhanced my practice. I am easily able to communicate with professionals from across the state regarding their experience and insight regarding legal issues and recommended experts. I can also get regional information, including evaluations of the lawyers and judge involved in the claim.”

Interested In Becoming A Member?
Click here to see some of the benefits to becoming a member of The Pennsylvania Defense Institute.